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Social Integration Research. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2020

절대공동체를 ‘넘어’ 5·18 광주 커뮤니타스를 ‘넘어’(강인철, 2020, 『5·18 광주 커뮤니타스』, 사람의무늬)
Soc. Integr. Res. 2020;1(1):1-14.
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Finland’s Inclusive Social Integration
핀란드의 포용적 사회통합
Soc. Integr. Res. 2020;1(1):15-48.
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Korean Society’s Perception of the Covid-19 Vulnerable Group: Focusing on the News Media and Twitter Discourse
코로나 취약계층에 대한 한국사회의 인식: 언론 및 트위터 담론을 중심으로
Soc. Integr. Res. 2020;1(1):49-72.
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Welfare Regime, Crime and Social Integration: Focus on comparison between USA and Sweden
복지레짐과 범죄 그리고 사회통합: 미국과 스웨덴과의 비교를 중심으로
Soc. Integr. Res. 2020;1(1):73-111.
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The New Digital Technologies and Discrimination, Surveillance, and Fragmentation in Labor
디지털 신기술과 노동의 차별 및 감시, 부품화
Soc. Integr. Res. 2020;1(1):113-141.
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A Study on Introduction of Scales for Assessing Community-Based Juvenile Correction Facilities: Focused on Correctional Program Checklists (CPCs)
지역사회기반 교정시설의 교정프로그램 체크리스트(Correctional Program Checklist)도입을 위한 기초연구
Soc. Integr. Res. 2020;1(1):143-166.
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